Our medical practice is committed to the management of the patient information we collect and the protection of patient privacy in compliance with New South Wales and Australian government privacy legislation.
Personal information.
The type of information we may collect and hold about a patient includes personal information about:
- name, address, date of birth, email and contact details;
- Medicare number;
- health information, photos and other sensitive information.
Collection of information.
We will generally collect personal information directly from the patient when they provide their details to us, from a person responsible for the patient, or from third parties where the Privacy Act or other law allows it.
Disclosure of information.
We may collect, hold, use and disclose a patient's personal information for the following purposes:
- to provide health services to the patient;
- to communicate with the patient;
- to comply with our legal obligations which may include mandatory notification of communicable diseases;
- to help us manage our accounts and administrative services.
Disclosure of information to overseas recipients.
We may disclose a patient's personal information to the following overseas recipients:
- any practice or individual who assist us in providing services (such as where you have come from overseas and had your health record transferred from overseas or have treatment continuing from an overseas provider);
- anyone else to whom you authorise us to disclose it; and
- anyone else where the Privacy Act or other law allows it.
Access and correction of information.
Subject to the exceptions set out in the Privacy Act, a patient may seek access to and correction of the personal information which we hold about them in accordance with our access policy. To access information, a patient will need to complete a MR1 Accessing Your Medical Record form, available at our reception desk. If a fee is charged for providing access, you will be advised of the cost in advance.
Privacy related complaints.
We will take reasonable steps to protect the security of patient information and comply with our legal obligations. Our staff are trained and required to respect patient privacy. We take reasonable steps to protect information held from misuse, loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
Patients with questions about privacy-related issues or wanting to complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles or the handling of their personal information by us, should contact our Privacy Officer. A patient may lodge their complaint in writing to Green Square Dermatology (privacy@gsdermatology.com.au). Any complaint will be investigated by the Privacy Officer and the patient will be notified of the making of a decision in relation to their complaint as soon as is practicable after it has been made, usually within 30 days.
Our medical practice may vary policies from time to time and without notice. A patient may request information about policy changes or view them on our website. gsdermatology.com.au/policy
Articles in this section
- Medical record access statement
- Pathology service cost statement
- Companion and Assistant Animals policy
- Department of Defence eligible personnel statement
- Fee concession statement
- Financial estimate statement
- General privacy statement
- Health information privacy statement
- Informed financial consent statement