Department of Defence eligible personnel statement Department of Defence eligible personnel statement

Department of Defence eligible personnel statement

Our medical practice is bound by the Bupa Health Services ADF Provider Agreement ("Provider Agreement") terms and conditions for the provision of services to Eligible Personnel ("EP") of the Department of Defence.

Provider Agreement scope.

EP attending our medical practice must satisfy approval criteria defined within the Provider Agreement to be treated under the terms and conditions detailed in the Provider Agreement. The approval criteria requires, but is not limited to, a valid Defence Referral Form and associated Defence Approval Number (DAN) scope be submitted to our clinic before specialist services can be provided to EP.

Fees and invoicing.

Under the Provider Agreement, Bupa will be invoiced directly for approved specialist services provided to EP.

Private patient access to non-approved services.

EP may proactively seek and privately pay for non-approved dermatological services. Non-approved services include, but are not limited to: cosmetic surgery, cosmetic fillers, anti-wrinkle injections and treatment for any condition outside the currency of their referral and DAN.

EP that choose to privately pay will be treated as a private patient while receiving non-approved services and be subject to the standard fees, conditions and policies of our medical practice.

Where EP seek non-approved services during a referral from a Defence approved Health Practitioner, we will seek consent from EP to advise the referring Health Practitioner in writing of this request so that the EP can ascertain their eligibility for convalescence leave in advance of proceeding with the proposed treatment and be counselled by that Health Practitioner regarding potential career implications. Any consent given by EP to this notification will be documented in the Clinical Report relating to the referral.

More information.

The complete Bupa Health Services ADF Provider Agreement - Terms and Conditions document can be downloaded from the Bupa ADFHSC Provider Hub: 


Our medical practice may vary policies from time to time and without notice. A patient may request information about policy changes or view them on our website.